This manuscript is approximately ten inches tall by seven inches wide and two and half inches thick (see Figure 6). However, since a majority of the manuscript is missing, indicated by the front flyleaf as well as the visible traces of a strap and pin mechanism, the thickness would have probably been much more significant.
Figure 6 |
This manuscript is made up of one quire of eight leaves made from paper, another quire of six leaves made from parchment, and twelve separated individual leaves made from paper. The sewing thread on the quire made from parchment is still intact (see Figure 7) (Kidd, 2013).
Figure 7 |
The front flyleaf indicates portions of the manuscript that were present at one time but are now missing (Kidd, 2013).
Those portions now missing are as follows:
"In hoc volumine (con)tinent(ur)
Vet(us) Ada(m) & Nov(us) ada(m) in arbore.
Disti(n)ct(i)o(n)es Sermones.
Tractat(us) de voto nazareor(um).
Questiones. Tractat(us) de edific(a)c(i)o(n)e altar(is) &
de Instrumentis-"
(Kidd, 2013).
Just how these missing portions were arranged in context to what is present is not clear. However, since only a small portion of the manuscript remains we can assume these missing portions made up a great deal of the codex.